Godwin Arisa

Inspirational and Motivational Writer and Speaker

Godwin Arisa

Inspirational and Motivational Writer and Speaker

While part of a leadership group that grew a congregation of 7 people to over 250 members, I, Godwin Arisa was first ordained a deacon in 1994 and have been a servant-leader since. In 1995, at a time of desperation I had a profound encounter with the living God that was accompanied immediately by frequent extra-terrestrial like experiences that lasted for about three weeks. A phenomenon like no other, it included, prayer and songs of praises round the clock, even while I slept, and the aura of God’s presence would be on me like a blanket. Sensations of a different king of light pouring down on me from above would also be common place at this time. It felt like a spotlight that only I could see occasionally. I tell this story in my other book – “Natural Healing Power, A Gift of God to You”. I have been a worship leader, Bible class and Sunday school teacher, Vice President of the board of deacons, and often, and sometimes, a featured speaker on Sunday worship services. I have been a co-founder of a church, International Church of the Nazarene, Richardson, Texas. I am also a human, married with three adult children, and also employed as an accountant, holding a bachelor, and master’s degrees in the field. Currently focusing on giving back through sharing my experiences of life with God in writing, teaching, and speaking. My joy and mission are to help anyone who is willing or seeking the truths of life, to taste the kind of love, grace, faithfulness and power that make anything and will change anything in the life of those who believe, and call on him in truth. This is what made an adamant believer of me. He is the center of everything. It is what led King David to exclaim – “O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed in the man that trusteth in him”, Psalm 34:8(KJV).