I try to offer a more grounded view of a very tangled world, something based on what we all feel deeply, rather than what we react to superficially. I think we all strive for some ultimate, authentic connection to each other, and we can share that through our work, music, art, writing, or any creative force that makes us feel truly alive inside.I was that kid in high school who always had a notepad, a pen, and an ink stain in his back pocket. Glasses, bit of a lisp, you know the type. I didn’t talk much, but I had a lot to say! I noticed everything and took notes. Any and all randomness was entered in ink and I’m still amazed at how a single word can turn into a gusher leaking out of my pen. There’s story material everywhere!Today, I’m grateful to live off the grid surrounded by nature, where various bits of news, observations, musings, insights, and dreams sometimes coalesce into a story. My writing focuses on the parts of human nature that explore how we come into our true selves with all the tension, fear, passion, and insecurity we all feel. Our best is borne of personal struggle, either internal or external, mixed with the true desire to create something that we can give back for all to benefit from.Read and listen to more here! https://sunlightning.com