Aliens Arising

Aliens Arising


On the far side of the moon, a mining expedition uncovers something that should have stayed buried. What begins as a promising discovery soon unravels into a catastrophic chain of incidents that will forever alter humanity’s future.

Read the thrilling origin of the Milijun Trilogy and discover the moment that changed everything.

With mankind venturing into space, exploring the moon, and planning missions to other planets, an event like this could very well occur in the very near future.

The question is… Are we ready for First Contact?

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Aliens Arising
"★★★★★ "Milijun paints the future of humanity on the canvas of an alien invasion. With a brief touch of dystopian flair, the time and the setting reveal life after a global war. Humanity remains the same; people have hopes and desires, dreams and aspirations. They work. They go on holiday. Even though the world is in the aftermath of a disaster, good and evil remain in the hearts of humankind. The main characters, a mother and son team, are caught between safety and adventure, escape and acceptance. As their characters grow through unbelievable circumstances, they become suspended within two worlds - two realities. As in all good science fiction, Milijun incites several "what if" questions. Clayton Graham examines the core of humanity, down to the soul of human beings. Through the eyes of aliens, humanity's soul is revealed. Full of suspense, the narrative twists and turns and ebbs and flows into a bizarrely surreal conclusion. The reader is left pondering "wait - what just happened?" Life is uncertain; the future remains to be seen for the remnants of Milijun.""
Cheryl E. Rodriguez - Readers' Favorite

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